Students Struggle With Balancing Cell Phones in the Classroom
Students struggle with finding balance between using phones for education and with personal purposes.
November 7, 2019
Everyday, at least once, students talk to someone they know. They ask the teacher questions. They meet new people and introduce themselves. As they age, they learn the different ways to communicate. These ways of communication includes technology, like cell phones, tablets, instant messaging, etc. These ways to communicate can be helpful, but using technology to reach others can also be distracting to students during school hours.
Usually in school people are on their phones. According to Sophomore Abigail Lamoy, “People these days are always on their phones just texting away with their little thumbs. Phones can distract us easily, they always distract me too.”
Students use their phones often throughout the day for legitimate school tasks. Students may use in English to define vocabulary. A phone may be used in Algebra for a basic calculator. A social studies teacher may have students play a review game online and sign in through their phones. Phones can be very valuable tools in our school environment.
Since teachers often have students use their phones for classwork, it’s no surprise they have become such distractions. Sophomore Noah Ballard said, “It’s true. I use my phone all the time for homework help. Sometimes I don’t remember how to do the work when it comes to my math test on the subject.”
School is a place that is meant to prepare you for the real world. Schools don’t just have rules against cell-phones for no reason. A lot of establishments have policies that say their workers are not allowed to be on their phones while on the job. This is why the school doesn’t allow students on their phones. Science teacher Nick Slucher said “I have had previous jobs where if I was found texting on the job, I could be suspended from my job.” The school won’t suspend you, but there will be consequences for letting a phone distract a student when he should be on task.
As the school year continues, students would benefit from keeping their phones in their bags. The less they feel it sitting there in their pocket waiting to be grabbed, the less they will be distracted by it. Slucher said, “They have their own personal time to be on their phones. Why can’t they put them away at school?”