While many students will spend their spring break week relaxing on a family vacation, many more will spend a quiet week at home. While not as adventurous as a cruise or a trip to the beach, there are tons of ways to make your spring break at home fun and exciting.
Senior Kiera McClellan has spent lots of time during her breaks enjoying activities close to home. “As much as I love to travel, sometimes that’s just not possible for every single vacation we get. Each break I try to do one new activity I haven’t before – it can be something simple like a new craft or exploring a new hiking trail with my dog,” McClellan said.
Whether you take day trips to new local places, or create memories in your living room with some friends and family, spring break can be a time to try something you’ve never done before. For those staying local this year, here are some activities that may liven up your week.
- Pack lunches and take a day trip to some hiking trails! Kentucky has many close options for hiking, whether it’s to Red River Gorge, Cove Spring Park in Frankfort, or the Bernheim Forest near Bardstown to see the Forest Giants. There is sure to be a hiking trail to suit everyone.
- Make solar ovens to experiment with some science. All you need is a box, tinfoil, some black paper, and plastic wrap, along with your favorite smores ingredients. Spend some time constructing your solar oven and watch your marshmallows melt in the heat of the sun! Instructions can be found at https://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project-ideas/Energy_p018/energy-power/build-a-simple-solar-oven.
- Start a new TV series. Nothing is more cozy than spending a few hours a day on your couch wrapped up in a new-to-you show that has a seemingly endless amount of episodes for your enjoyment. Some examples are Grey’s Anatomy, Criminal Minds, The 100, and so many more. Invite some friends over and have a movie marathon with popcorn and snacks for some company.
- Find your nearest zoo or aquarium and spend the day seeing as many exotic animals as possible! The Cincinnati Zoo, Louisville Zoo, and Newport Aquarium are all around an hour from Georgetown, and you can spend all day walking around in them. While not a beach or another continent, you still get a little excitement from all the people and animals around you.
- Have a country themed food day. Wish you were spending your break in France? Research French foods and spend the day making crepes, beignets, or creme brulee as a way to bring French culture right to your kitchen.
- Go thrifting or shopping! Sometimes a trip to the mall or a local thrift store with friends can be a lot of fun, and you won’t even think about being at home during break. Some local options include Street Scene and POPS resale. Make it a day and get lunch/dinner with friends to extend the fun.
- Project a movie onto the side of your house/outdoor building, build a fire, and roast smores. This can be a great activity with your friends, or even your family. It’s different than just watching a movie in your living room and feels like more of an adventure.
- Need volunteer hours to finish school club requirements? Too busy to get any during school? Breaks can be the perfect time to get in these volunteer hours without interrupting your schedule. Try searching for volunteer opportunities at local food banks, such as the Gathering Place or Amen house, senior centers, or other local organizations.
- Redecorate and organize your room! Your room can feel so different just by moving some furniture around and adding decor to your walls. Spring break is the perfect time to try a new room layout. Add special touches by hanging up art or shop for decor to fit your style. This can be a great way to spend time during break, because it will most likely be a multi-day project.
- Search for local day camps that cater to your interests. If you really want to get out of your house and do something, there are lots of local companies that use spring break as a way to host events for students. There are lots of different types of camps including art camps, science camps, or even water adventure camps where you can learn to kayak or canoe.
While staying at home during school break is not always our first choice, there are still tons of different ways to make your break exciting. Grab a friend or your family and try out a new option that will be fun for everyone!